How to use the Admin Portal

The DignaCare Admin Portal is a web-based portal where the department manager can log in and get an overview of sensor strips as well as perform general administration. In a busy day-to-day operation, it happens that new residents need incontinenceincontinence Involuntary loss of control of the bladder and / or intestines. products and sensors, and then the portal is used to configure so that the resident gets the correct sensor and caregivers receive the alerts they should.

The DignaCare Admin Portal is intended for department managers or other personnel with extended responsibilities. The portal requires a login that is provided with the solution. The portal is web-based and therefore requires internet access to open and retrieve data.

You should be able to move sensors between residents, change their names, and change the type of diaper.


Go to

Follow the instructions received in the email from SensCom.

Change name/alias of resident

To change the name of a resident:

  1. Click on «Residents» in the navigation at the top of the website.
  2. Click on the gear icon on the right side of the current resident and select «Edit».
  3. Enter a new name in the «Name» field and click «Update».


Move sensor to another resident

When there is a need to move a sensor from one resident to another, you should:

  1. Click on «Sensors» in the navigation at the top of the website.
  2. Click on the gear icon to the right of the current sensor and select «Edit».
  3. Click on «Resident» and select the resident you want to move the sensor to.
  4. Click «Update».


Change diaper type

When there is a need to change the diaper type on a resident, you should:

  1. Click on «Resident» in the navigation at the top of the site.
  2. Click on the gir icon on to the right of the relevant resident and select «Edit».
  3. Select the desired «Day diaper» and «Night diaper» in the dropdown menus.
  4. Click «Update».


Overview Graph

To get detailed information about the moisture level in the resident’s diaper, go into the portal. Inside «Overview», select a resident. You will see a graph next to the resident list. Each resident has two sensors that are alternated between.

The graph provides a real-time overview of the moisture level in the diaper. It shows the moisture level for the last 24 hours and displays both sensors of the resident in one chart. The green chart corresponds to the sensor without a sticker, while the red/purple chart corresponds to the sensor with a red (or other color) sticker on the sensor head.

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Alarm thresholds day/night

The specified alert level for day/night is visible in the graph by looking at the placement of the yellow and red line. It is normal to have a higher threshold at night.

  • Lower placement – day
  • Higher placement – night



The graph consists of different colors which means:

  • Before the chart reaches the yellow line, there is no need for any change.
  • When the chart has crossed the yellow line, it is time to start preparing for a change.
  • When the chart has crossed the red line, there is a need for a change.
  • A black vertical line indicates a change performed.